Friday, July 1, 2011


Yesterday, as the little girls and I were in the car, they told me that their babysitter had taken them out for ice cream while I had been gone.  Then they told me that she had take them to a new hamburger/hot dog/ice cream place in town.  They continued to elaborate the story telling me they had actually eaten lunch there - and Charlotte went into great detail about the hamburgers they had gotten and how Gwen had to eat two more bites before the babysitter would let her get ice cream.  The babysitter had not said anything about taking them out to lunch, so I was trying to figure out what the truth was.  I asked them, "Are you guys making up a story or are you telling me the truth?"

Gwen replied, "I do trufe you."

Still unsure, I called the sitter to get the full explanation.  They had gone to the new place for ice cream, but had not eaten Gwen was not "trufing me" after all.  

Two and a half is a great age for funny sayings.  I love to hear her little sentences and the things in front of buildings that squirt water up in the air = "Water Mountains"

"Where Wobber" = Where's Robert (her favorite lifeguard at the pool)

On a different (and heart-melting) note, when Gwen got out of bed on Tuesday, she went into the boys room.  "Ky-o??  Ky-o??  Where Ky-o?"  She had forgotten that he was at camp and was searching him out.  She misses him.  They all do....and so do I!

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