Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Footwear Optional

My mom and I just returned from taking the kids on an overnight to Mammoth Cave in KY.  It was a fun 2 days.  It's just about 4 hours round trip from where we live.  Just long enough for me to think twice about doing it again.  My older kids CAN NOT ride in the car without picking, fighting, irritating, etc. each other.  We do not have a DVD player in our car, so we rely on old-fashioned many blue cars can you find, highway bingo, stories on CD, coloring contests.  It gets a little old after a while.  But, the caves were really cool and they had fun.  My mom and I were worn out.  Mammoth Cave is very impressive, although it's a dry cave in most parts which means that there are no stalagtites or stalagmites.  We also saw Diamond Cave which is very wet and full of formations - almost to the point that it looks fake, like something you would see at Disney if you went in a cave they had replicated.  The little girls were troopers and did well.  (Except for Gwen pooping right as we were entering the cave for our 2 hour tour - with no bags allowed and therefore no diapers or wipes)

Gwen has a shoe problem.  As in she takes them off randomly.  Today at Target as I was headed to the checkout, I realized that she only had one shoe on.  We had to retrace our steps, finding it in the middle of the bread isle.  Everyone just stepping around it.  Last week one morning when it was about 35 outside, I had taken her clothes all the way off because she had spilled juice.  When I went upstairs to get her new clothes, she pulled on her slippers and let herself outside.  Buck naked except for the pink slippers.  The boys, who were outside shooting hoops, were mortified and brought her back in.  She was mad that she was being made to come back inside.  You think the cold air on her tush would have been enough to make her want to come inside immediately.  She's also totally regressed in the potty training department.  I thought we were very close to being done -- but alas, NO!  If she's home, with no pants on, she never misses.  If you put pants of any kind on her, she pees in them and then tells me afterwards.  Ugh.  I was having visions of no more diapers.  I guess I could always just take her out "commando".  But then CPS might come after me.

This week is spring break for our school system.  In our town the majority of the people travel over spring break.  So it's totally dead around here.  And then, to top it all off, it SNOWED today.  Really snowed.  Nothing stuck, but I have to admit that it made me envious of our friends in Florida for the week.  Although that would mean an even longer car trip.....probably better that we are staying home!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Sometimes You Just Can't Win...

...And sometimes you can!  As for the "can't win"...Yesterday I was in the shower when I realized that there was no conditioner in there.  I took the empty bottle and tried my best to make some more by swishing water around in the bottle.  I did not have much success because that had already been done a couple of times before.  When I got out of the shower, I went to grab my towel only to realize that my choice was between a wet towel or a hand towel.  There was nothing else left in the bathroom.  I choose the hand towel, although after drying off one arm it was no better than the wet towel. 

The day did get better (not that I don't love my kids....really, I do!) Joel and Ben are spending a few days at their grandparent's.  They are working to earn a little money because there is a Lego store opening here in a few weeks.  So I am down by 2.  This was also the same day that Charlotte had Mom's Day Out.  So for this one morning, I had just Gwen.  What a treat!  Do you know how much you can get done with just one kid in tow?  Do you know how clean your house stays when there are just 1 or 2 little kids around?  You clean it and it stays that way for several hours.  Usually I am satisfied if it stays tidy for 20 minutes.  I could get used to my older kids being gone during the  Is that what it's like when your kids go to school all day??  'Cause that could be really appealing!

Here's a recipe for you, too.  It's yummy and easy.  I would suggest buying the boneless, skinless chick thighs at Costco.  They are usually $1.99/lb.  Plan on at least 2 thighs per person, more if you have big eaters.

Sticky Chicky
16 boneless, skinless chicken thighs
1/2 c BBQ sauce
1/4 c reduced sodium soy sauce
1/4 c red wine vinegar
1/4 honey or maple syrup (or I have even used brown sugar)
1 T chili powder
1 T dijon mustard
1 T grated gingerroot or 1 t dried ginger
2 t minced garlic (about 2 cloves)

1 T cornstarch mixed with 1 T water

preheat oven to 400.  spray 9x13 with Pam.  arrange chicken in pan in single layer.  whisk all sauce ingredients together (not the cornstarch mixture).  pour over chicken and turn pieces to coat evenly.  bake uncovered about 40 min. 

remove chicken from pan.  pour sauce into a sauce pan.  add cornstarch mixture.  bring to a boil over medium heat.  cook until bubbly and thickened.  Serve with rice and extra sauce on the side. 

Sunday, March 20, 2011

What's This??

Today we went to our last (yeah!) basketball game of the season.  As we were leaving, Charlotte found a rubber band on the floor and put it on her wrist.  She was so proud of her find...her little treasure.  When I put her in her booster seat, she spread it out on her palm and asked me what shape it was.  I didn't realize that she had picked up a silly band.  As she held out the shape, I was taken aback.  It was in the shape of "boy parts".  "I am not sure what that is.  Let me ask Daddy."  Unfortunately in the transfer of trying to figure out the shape, the rubber band "broke".  Darn.

Once we arrived home I realized Gwen had taken her shoes off.  She had her left sock off and both shoes were back on, but on the wrong foot.  "Where's your other sock?"  I asked her.  I was searching under the seats, on the floor, under her rear had disappeared.  Then I went to rotate the sock that was on her right foot b/c it was twisted.  I realized then that she had put both socks on the same foot.  So the sock was there the whole time.  Right in front of me.  Always keeping me guessing.  Because I have nothing better to do.  :)

I am also working on our budget.  I am really trying to shrink my grocery bill.  Boy, it's hard when there's 8 of us and I want to eat LOTS of fruit and veggies.  I will share with you and great tips I pick up.

Friday, March 18, 2011


Wow.  You know, no matter how hard you try to simplify, when you are mom with kids in the house, there just never seems to be much down time.  I have been wanting to share some stories, but unfortunately, blogging is lower on the list than, say....feeding the kids.  Or reading my book for our small group study (didn't even get around to getting that one done!).

I spent the better part of yesterday getting our new computer set up - and the printer to go along with it.  I had to call tech support a couple of times to figure it out, but I now have 2 laptops and the desktop all hooked up to the wireless printer.  All by myself!  Isn't that amazing. ( The wireless printing thing, not my skills at setting up the computer.)  A lot of the computer set-up issues stemmed from the age of our previous computer.  It was almost 9 years old, which in computer age is like 205 years.  It's even worse than dog years.  The word processing program on our old one is not even recognized by the new version and the young guy helping me at the Mac store had no clue what that program even was.  He was probably in Jr. High when we bought that last computer.  I also had to call into the wireless router people because we had somehow lost our secure internet connection.  And while I trust my neighbors for the most part, probably best if other people can't access our network.  All this tech stuff...and I am NOT a techie.  

Side note:  if you have a front load washer and you are getting 'the smell', stop using liquid fabric softener.  The repair man told me that it is made up mostly of animal fats.  Isn't that the nastiest thing you have ever heard?!  Also, he said to make sure you are using no more that 1 Tablespoon of the HE detergent.  1 Tablespoon.  That's the maximum.  We were using WAAAAAYYY  too much detergent.  It's amazing how long that giant bottle of Tide will last when you use just 1 T.

Here's a recipe for you.  It's for Chicken Tetrazini.  I have made it with turkey, too.  It freezes well, so it's easy to make one, freeze one.  I usually find it works well to make spaghetti for dinner one night early in the week and make double noodles.  Then put the extras in a ziplock and use them at the end of the week for the tetrazini.  It saves a step and makes it even easier to assemble.

Chicken Tetrazini
cooked spaghetti (not sure exactly how much...just what looks right for your family)
1/2 stick butter
3 T minced onion or 3 t dried minced onion
1 can cream of chicken soup (reduced fat works, too)
1 can evaporated milk (I use the 2% variety)
1/2 t garlic powder
1/2 c parmesan cheese
2 c cooked chicken, cubed
1/2 c or more shredded cheddar (use medium or sharp for best flavor)

melt butter in a large sauce pan and cook with onion.  Add chicken, soup, milk, spices and cheddar cheese.  stir to combine.  add noodles and toss to coat evenly.  put into a sprayed 9x13.  sprinkle with parmesan.  bake 30 min at 325.


We are off to Laser Flash this evening.  My husband will take the belated birthday child + a few friends. I will be with Joel at another basketball tournament -- 1 game tonight, 3 tomorrow and up to 4 games on Sunday if they continue winning.  Then we will all gather back here afterwards for cake and ice cream.  Actually it's an ice cream cake that I make by layering ice cream sandwiches (3 layers with 4 sandwiches in each layer) with a mixture of pudding, coolwhip and oreos in between.  Then I frost the whole outside with coolwhip and freeze it overnight.  Then you just slice it into pieces to serve.  Looks really cool with the chocolate and vanilla layers.  And it's yummy, too.  Seriously, what's not to love about that!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Three Wet Beds in Two Days

Yep....three peed beds.  Two of them on beds without mattress protectors.  As if we need more laundry around here! 

Also last week, Charlotte put red marker all over her lips.  When I asked her about it, she said, "It's not marker, it's blood.  My lips is bleeding."

"Well, it clearly looks like marker to me.  Don't lie to Mommy, Charlotte."

"I'm not lying.  It's blood from my teeth."

I asked her to go sit on her bed because she was lying.  When I went up there 20 min later to put her PJ's on, I asked her, "Why did you lie to Mommy?"

"I didn't lie.  It's blood."

"Charlotte, Mommy can tell that the red stuff on your mouth is marker.  I will not be reading books to you tonight because you lied."

"OK.  It is marker.  Now can I have books?!"  (Do they really think we are that dumb??)

On Thursday, I had to take Gretta to the doctor for her physical so she can run track.  (for those of you that know her, yes, you read that right....Gretta running track!  we'll let you know how it goes!)  Anyway, I had to wake Gwen up early so we could get to the doctor.  She was all sleepy eyed even as we pulled into the parking lot.  But, as always, the highlight of a trip to the doctor is a sticker.  She very excitedly picked it out....and placed it directly on her stomach skin.   Ooooo no.  That's not going to be good, I thought to myself.  Sure enough, when I tried to remove it her stomach skin (sweet, smooth, pink skin) pulled waaaaay out.  She had a red mark on her tummy for 24 hours where that thing had been.  Most upsetting though was that the sticker was no longer sticky and would not stick on her shirt.  What a way to start your day, huh?

Then yesterday, Charlotte sat down and said to Gwen, "Take off my shoes."  And then "Gwen, hang up my coat."  Of course Gwen just does whatever Charlotte asks. 

Gretta said, "Charlotte, Gwen is not your servant."

"Yes she is."

"No, she's not."

"Then who is???"  Good question!

Well, it's rolled around to Ben's birthday today and we finally had birthday plans figured out.  We were going to celebrate with grandparents today and do a birthday overnight next weekend.  Then one set of grandparents missed their flight and the other set has a grandma with a broken rib.  So he opened his gifts from us and we went out for ice cream after lunch.  He doesn't seem too bothered.  He and Kyle are outside right now with this giant ball that you actually get inside.  They seem to be having fun.  Anyone want to take bets on how long before that ball pops??  We also got him this really cool catapult that you build.  It's from this company that makes working models of all sorts of wooden "machines", like siege engines.  The website is  They are out of Victoria, BC.  Neat stuff, especially if you have boys that like to build things.

Enjoy your Sunday!


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Movies & Ben

I have a couple of movie recommendations.  That's always a little tricky.  Sort of embarrassing if you watch it and hate it and wonder what in the world I was thinking!  The 1st one is Fireproof.  It's an old movie and sort of cheesy, but touching and real all at the same time.  Matt and I were inspired to get the book, The Love Dare, after watching the movie.  I think it will be a wonderful exercise in really practicing love. 

The 2nd movie is fairly new to video.  It's called Get Low.  It stars Robert Duvall as a hermit set in the 1930's.  It's based on a true story of a man who plans a funeral party for himself while he's still alive all because he wants to tell the story of why he's lived his life the way he has. 

And....Mr. Ben.  He's set to turn 8 on Sunday.  If you passed him on the street you would probably guess he was at least 10, maybe 12 by the way he's built.  His face is still baby enough to pass for 8, though!  He's been all into planning out his b-day this year.  He's had a running list since before Christmas.  He adds things daily, too.  The latest being a hamster and a cross bow.  Sure.  He also wants to have a huge party and take everyone to Laser Flash.  Problem is Laser Flash costs at least $15/kid and he's only got about $50 to spend for his party.  I keep offering other options and he's not buying.  The poor guy is also getting irritated because Joel has a basketball tournament this weekend and next and they can't give us the schedule for those games until the day prior to the tournament.  That means I can't really plan a party until we know Joel's schedule, which means I think we should wait until after the tournaments.  But then it's spring break and that means a party mid-April, which to an 8 year old might as well be next year.  So he really feels as if he's getting the shaft.  What's a mom to do??  I want the kid to feel special, I just have other things I have to work around!  I will let you know the outcome once I finally figure it out!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Pink Tutu

Last weekend I attended our church's women's retreat.  It was so nice to get away and spend time with my girlfriends and have some GREAT teaching.  A noted Christian author and speaker, Cynthia Heald was the speaker.  She spoke on Becoming a Woman of Simplicity.  She was so real and dynamic and approachable.  I just wish she would move into my house and speak softly to me about what's important and what to just let go!  The most important lessons I took home were to simplify my life physically (commitments, TV viewing, computer time, cell phone usage, etc) so that I can abide with Christ.  I think that our family has done a good job simplifying.  We don't have a lot going on outside our home.  The kids all have a sport or two they play - but never more that one sport at a time.  However, things get a little hectic because sometimes that means 3 kids are involved in their "thing" on the same night.  Spring is usually a nice season for us because we don't have any baseball players and Gretta hasn't started riding yet.  Anyway, I think we have the 1st part down.  The second part - abiding in Christ - is where I am struggling.  I know it's so important and yet I find myself wanting to do it on my own.  I would encourage you to read her book(s).  Here is a link to the one she referenced.  It's her most recent.

So, why did I title today's post "Pink Tutu"??  Well, it involves a story from my day today.  This morning I took Gwen back to JC Penney to get her 2 year old pictures taken.  No barfing today.  She was healthy and ready to go.  Out of all the pictures I did find one to order and can check that off my list.  As I was leaving I announced to the kids that we were going to Costco which is right next door to Penney's.  The photographer asked about Costco.  "What do they sell?" (really??) "They have produce?  Is it a grocery store? How much is a membership?"  I didn't know the cost of the membership.  So then she hands me her business card and says, "When you get there, find out the cost of the membership and call me and tell me."  What?!?!  I don't even know this woman.  She's a single lady.  I am standing there with 4 kids in tow and she wants me to call her.  Give me a break!  I told her it would probably be better for her to call herself.  After all, I am trying to become a woman of simplicity and that was one task I just did not want to take on.  (Side note:  you can split a Costco membership with someone else.  You get 2 cards and they do not have to be for the same family!)

Today at Costco it was "super-duper sample day" (my term).  They always have samples, but today it was everything my kids love - chicken nuggets, pizza, fresh squeezed OJ, gogurt, trail mix, salted nuts, gatorade, peaches, and more.  They were happy campers.  I almost wished I had a Twitter following so I could let all my friends know about it!    

While at Costco, I had purchased Charlotte an Ariel swim suit that came with a swim t-shirt.  She wanted to try it on immediately once we got home.  As soon as Charlotte put on her suit, Gwen had to have hers on too.  "Swim too, swim too"  Both of them are pink with tutu skirts.  They stayed in their pink tutus for about an hour.  Playing, riding their little push car and even eating lunch in them (Costco frozen pizza -- $9.99 for 4 frozen cheese pizza...and they are great!).   

And, finally, I am almost out of diapers.  Can I hear a "halleluja"??  Gwen has been dry on her own initiative for several days now.  Even #2 is making it into the potty.  She has been the easiest one I have ever had (and the earliest).  Love it!  (Better not get too prideful or the Lord will put me back in my place, huh?)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Stuffed Shells

This is a recipe you have probably made before.  I just forget about it, but my kids love them.  They warm up great for left overs and also freeze well.  Sometimes I make a double batch and freeze once assembled, but before baking.  Just mark on the aluminum foil what is in the pan and the date you put it in there.  This is enough to feed our family of 8.  If you have  smaller clan, you could make one, freeze one with these amounts (Might want to get 2 jars of sauce if you do that).  Also, get creative...if your kids will eat spinach, mix it in with the cheeses.  If you love a certain cheese variety or spice, add it.  You really can't go wrong.  

Stuffed Shells
1 box jumbo shells
1 container ricotta cheese
1 container small curd cottage cheese
1/4 c parmesan cheese
2 beaten eggs
1 t garlic powder
1 t or more dried basil
1 jar spaghetti sauce

Boil noodles until al dente.  Drain and rinse with cold water.  Meanwhile, mix cheeses, eggs and spices.  Spray 9x13 with Pam, then spread a thin layer of sauce over bottom of pan.  Fill each shell using a spoon.  Spread sauce over the top.  Cover with foil and bake at 350 for about 30 min.