Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Gretta Made Me Do It

Yesterday during nap time, I could hear Charlotte banging around in her room.  Occasionally, she does not sleep, but she will stay in her room and look at books or play quietly - which is totally fine with me.  When I went to get her up, she sat up in bed and said, "Gretta came in my room and told me to mark on my bed." Gretta had not even been home during nap time, so I knew this was an invention of her mind.  I started off by asking her to tell me why the support board for Gretta's uppper bunk was lying on the ground.  "It just fell out, " was her response.  Hmmm.  Everything was sounding very suspicious!  She had spread out a small blanket on her bed and was sitting on it.  I then asked her where the mark that Gretta told her to make was.  She stood up and lifted the blanket up.  There on the sheets was a 6 inch mark from a red pen.  (The pen was still in her hands).  Hmmm.  Now, I'm no detective, but I started to put the puzzle pieces together.  I told her that I knew that Gretta had not been in her room and asked if the mark was an accident or on purpose.  "On purpose," she answered.  "And I found your red pen, Mom!"  Not really a big deal in the scheme of things, but the lying could not go unpunished.  Oh, it's so hard to spank a really cute, sorrowful 3 year old.

Today we went to Target for our grocery run (one of 3 places we are now stopping - Aldi is now making the list + Costco -- if you've never been to Aldi, it's an experience, but prices are really good, especially on produce).  To begin, there were no double carts on the grocery side of the store, so we had to trek to the other side.  Gwen has figured out how to "houdini" out of the straps and was standing in the seat within minutes.  I knew she was due for a BM and although I was hoping it wouldn't happen there, I was pretty much counting on it.   Sure enough...middle of the produce section, I caught a wiff.  So off to the bathroom we went.  Good thing I caught it early or it would have been U-G-L-Y.  Not that it was pretty to begin with, but if you have toddlers, you know what I mean.  Then the girls kept getting out so they could "help" me get things.  At one point, Gwen pulled marshmallows off the shelf and started trying to chew through the package.  The entire time Charlotte kept asking to go to the candy section because she had earned $5 at her grandmother's house.  So as we made our way to the check-out, we stopped by the candy area.  She made a bee-line for a big box of Starburst.  You should have seen her beaming smile as she paid her $1.07 for her box of candy.  She was so proud that she even got her own bag and receipt.  We finally finished and rushed home to take naps so that I could turn around and pick up Kyle and Gretta from school.  Grocery stores are much easier to navigate are most things.

This weekend we will be going to Home Depot to pick out all of my annuals.  That's my traditional Mother's Day gift.  We pick them out on Saturday and then my gift is that the kids plant them on Sunday. I just spread them out where I want them and then sit on the front porch and watch them work!  I love it!

Happy Mother's Day to all my fellow mothers.  You are doing a great job.  If you can get to the end of a day and say that you fed your kids, clothed your kids and loved on them a little, it's a good day -- and you are doing the right thing.  Sometimes we get so caught up in the "woulda, shoulda, coulda", that we beat ourselves up.  We get paralyzed by our to-do lists.  But, step back and look at your beautiful children.  Go give them a big hug, tell them they are special to you and that you love them.  Then sit down and take a load off.  You deserve it!

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