Tuesday, January 25, 2011

It's Official!

After having a few people ask, my husband suggest and my mom down-right hound me, I have decided to start blogging.  What will I be sharing with you??  Funny moments from my life (although they may not seem funny to me at the time!), what life is really like with 6 kids underfoot, recipes, advice, lessons I have learned, books I am reading.  I hope you will enjoy the journey!  I am NO EXPERT on parenting; that's for sure!  But, I have had lots of experiences while being in the trenches with my kids. 

For those of you that don't know me personally, I am a 38 year old stay at home mom.  I have been married to Matt for 17.5 years.  We have 6 kids...Kyle is a 14 year old 8th grader, Gretta is a 12 year old 6th grader, Joel is a 10 year old 4th grader, Ben is an almost 8 year old 2nd grader, Charlotte is 3 1/2, and Gwen is 2.  Kyle and Gretta are homeschooled for 1st period and then attend the local public middle school the rest of the day.  Joel and Ben are homeschooled full time.   The little girls are home with me all day (except Tuesday when Charlotte goes to Mom's Day Out for a few hours).   I am working on being joyful in my daily life.  I tend to get bogged down and annoyed with the daily stuff - and I let my attitude show.  I am also trying to be more intentional...about having my quiet time with God each day, about spending time with each of my kids individually, about being joyful, about watching what I eat, about exercising more.   Some days I do really well with this.  Other days I am just hanging on for dear life. 

Thanks for checking in....there will be more.  I promise.


  1. Hi Ginger, A friend of mine Sara Binkley-Tow thought I would enjoy reading your blog. I home school and have baby # 6 due in May. My oldest is 11, youngest is 2. I have 3 girls and 2 boys and a girl on the way. The boys are so disappointed they are so outnumbered (we also have 3 female dogs). I look forward to reading your blog, life is never dull is it?

  2. Yeah! So pumped to read and find motivation and good recipes....your meals are the stuff of legends around here! :) I too can get bogged down in the dailies of life, when we women connect and share the highs and lows, we can all learn and be better! Thanks, Ginger!
