Friday, January 28, 2011

Random Thoughts

My new favorite quote:

"Never eat more than you can lift."   - Miss Piggy

Also, although I am not an Oprah lover, I saw a tidbit the other day on happiness.  The study had found that money can buy happiness up to a certain extent.  The figure was $75,000/year.  Wonder if that was for a single person or if it included a family of 8??  Hmmm.

A "proud-of-myself" moment on Wednesday:  I saved $62 at the grocery store!  If any of you are Target shoppers, they have a debit (didn't want a credit card) card that saves you 5% every day.  The one thing I wish they did was double coupons. 

And lastly, I was getting ready to go to the gym yesterday morning very early.  When I came out of the bathroom, Matt asked if I was putting makeup on.  Well...I was!  Concealer for my dark circles under my eyes (but that's it - promise).  Have you ever seen the young, totally fit women there???  It's the least I can do.   

Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Great tip about the Target debit card! I love coupons, they are a way of life. =)

    And yes, I put concealer under my eyes too before working out!

    Love ya! -Debbye Biermann
