Monday, January 31, 2011


Friends are one of God's greatest blessings.  They are a gift to be treasured and respected.  We have to tend our gardens of friendship to keep them blooming, but it's well worth it.  The 1st follower I had here on my blog was my oldest friend that I still keep in touch with.  (she's not 'old', it's just my longest friendship....does that sound better?)  Anyway, we met and started hanging out when I was 11 years old.  We did all sorts of crazy things together - one night even spending the night at the other's house without the each other.  (I slept at her house, she slept at mine on the same night!)  We still keep in touch and try to see each other when we can.  On the other hand, I just had the opportunity to have an overnight get-away with one of my newer friends.  We went to Cincinnati to the IKEA store.  (that's a whole other, huge, overwhelming, great deals, inspirational)  Anyway, it was so great to get to spend time with her and get to know her better.  I think it's important that we, as women, have friendships.  They are an important part of our lives.  I am encouraging you to call one of your friends that you haven't talked with in a while and just say, "Hey.  I was thinking about you and am so thankful that you are a part of my life!"  I must add, though, to watch yourself that you do not base a friendship on grumbling to each other.  That can be very easy to do - especially when you are frustrated with your husband!  But, I encourage you to ask your friend to hold you accountable to not grumble...there are so many other great things to talk about. 

I was reminded very recently of how much of a blessing friends can be, and that sometimes I take for granted what great friends I have.  We know a family that just recently went through a very serious and hard situation.  They live in a very remote place and do not have many friends near by.  They were trying to face this situation all alone.  I realized that if it had been our family in that situation, we would have had friends swooping in from all directions to help with kids, meals, chores, etc.  God has been so good to bless our family with great friends.  I am thankful for all of you out there!

Now get off the computer and go call a friend...or a few of them!

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