Tuesday, February 22, 2011


"Fulf" - definition:  a two year old's way of saying, "No, thank you, Mommy.  I want to do it all by myself".  Of course it does not come out nearly so sweet.  It's more shouted than spoken and has a very defiant tone.  Two year olds are notorious for wanting to do everything by themselves, whether they actually can or not.  Like buckling her own car seat, getting herself dressed, washing her own hair, brushing her teeth, putting on her shoes, zipping up her coat....doesn't she realize that I am only trying to help??  How much easier it would be if she just let me get the coat turned the right direction, the knots out of her hair before she brushed, the shoes on the correct foot?

Funny thing:  I can just picture God saying the same thing about me.  "Doesn't she know how much easier this would be if she would just let me help her?"  But instead, I run around in my own way shouting "fulf".  God is there waiting, wanting me to turn to help and ask for help, knowing full well that I can't do this (life, mothering, etc) on my own.  You know, I am convinced that God gave me my children (and 6 of them, at that) to teach me a thing or two!

Another funny Gwen conversation:
Me: "Gwen, why did you ________________?" (fill in the blank...spit food out of your mouth, throw your plate to the ground, bite your sister)
Gwen:  "Cuzth"
Me:  "'Cause why?"
Gwen:  "Ida know"
Me:  "That's a NO, Gwen.  You know we don't _________." (again...fill in the blank)
Gwen:  "OK Mama"  (said with an adorable smile on her face)
Then repeat the conversation 5 minutes later when she does it yet again.

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