Monday, February 21, 2011

Sixty Second Clean Up

I read an article in a magazine over the weekend about a 60 second cleanup.  I gave it a try last night and it's fabulous!  It won't suffice if you really need to deep clean, but if you are just needing to straighten up a room, it's a fun idea.  Here's how it works:  set a timer for 60 seconds.  Gather your kids and assign tasks if needed.  On "go", everyone works as hard as they can for 60 seconds.  I was amazed.  We did the family room and then the school room last night before bed.  They think it's a game and are willing to work hard and not be distracted for that time.  Who can't commit to 60 seconds!?!  Plus, with everyone working, it really can get done!  You should try it.  I would love to make the 60 second clean up part of our evening routine - especially for our family room and school room.  The author recommended that if you have a small room, like a bath, that you want done, that you do 60 second kid at a time with a specific job while they are in there.  Fun idea!

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