Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Rite of Passage & More

Well, Number 6 has officially been accepted into our family....she pooped in the tub while taking a bath last week.  All of my kids have pooped in the tub (at least it's before they are potty-trained...is this just my kids??).  You know, there's nothing like sitting down on the side of the tub ready to wash them and looking in the water only to find a good size poop sitting in there with the two girls and the Barbies and other bath toys.  They were oblivious.  Totally gross.  I quickly pulled them out and put them in the other tub, took the bath toys to the dishwasher, drained the tub.  The dilemma then becomes how to get it out of there.  Before I had a chance to clean it, Hubby (knowing full well what was in there), told Joel to go shower.  It was a funny, albeit disgusting, prank.

More news:
Yesterday I woke up with a horrific UTI.  It came on very suddenly and progressed very quickly.  In about an hour I was feverish and feeling quite terrible.  After visiting the doctor and getting my prescription, I came home and laid down on the couch to wait it out until nap time.  I put the 10 year old and 8 year old in charge of the 3 and 2 year olds.  That's always interesting, but honestly, I didn't care what they did.  Nor could I have done anything about it if I didn't like what they were doing.  At 2:00, after the girls laid down for their naps, I climbed into bed and slept until 4:30.  When I woke up I could hear dishes clattering and other kitchen noises.  "Oh, no...please don't let them be making me a snack in bed" I thought.  I know, that sounds really caring, but all I could think of was the mess I couldn't bear to think about cleaning up.  I made my way downstairs and found my dear neighbor (she's a widow that my kids think of as their 3rd grandma) directing the kids.  She had washed and put away all of my dirty dishes, had the kids straighten and vacuum the entire downstairs and set the table for Valentine dinner.  She is such a dear woman.  My kids were proud of their work, and I was so thankful for a clean house.  Feeling much better today and so thankful for the access we have to medical care.

Over the weekend, Matt and I went on a date.  I love to go on dates with my man.  While a weekly date would be ideal, it's not very realistic given our schedule and budget.  So we try to go monthly.  We went to a yummy pizza place and then saw The King's Speech (stopping at the grocery to get our candy 1st to save a little $!).  It is fabulous.  We really enjoyed it and recommend it if you have not seen it.

Hope that you had a fun Valentine's Day with your family!  

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