Thursday, February 17, 2011

Two Mistakes

Mistake #1:  It's killing me.  I cut Gwen's hair.  She's got these beautiful golden locks with ringlet curls.  The back was getting a little long and sort of "mullet" looking.  Plus, with the length, it wasn't curling as tight.  So I thought a little trim would be good -- layer it a bit, take some of the weight off.  Not so.  Oh, I am in literal pain every time I look at her.  Very little curl....maybe it's just because it's too short.  More likely it's because I cut the baby curl out.  The front, top and sides are still curly, the back is just chopped.  Honestly, it looks rather stupid.  I just want to cry.

Mistake #2:  I invited Joel's basketball team over for an ice cream party this evening.  Plus parents and siblings.  We are at 25 people.  Now I'm regretting it.  We have a cabinet missing a door, trim around a window that needs to be replaced, a tiny, cramped kitchen (especially with 25 people in it).  Why did I do that???  But, I know that true hospitality is not waiting until your house is perfect so you can show it off.  True hospitality is inviting people into a warm home filled with love....serving from your heart, not your best china.  I have to get over my house.  It's NEVER going to look perfect.  I am NEVER going to have my entire "to do" list completed.  But, I can't let that stop me from having people into my home.  I have to get over wanting to "entertain" and start focusing on be hospitable.  So, here's to a fun night (and hoping people don't notice the missing cabinet door).   

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